The quintessential male coming from a beautiful Shaded line, a very rare color and sought after in the Maine Coon. He has a head to make every Maine Coon dream with well-proportioned features, long and hairy ears, a broad and massive muzzle, a piercing and sure gaze, an impressive fur ruff. He is a massive male, with a compact frame that already weighs heavily for his age.
He is nonchalant, gentle, hard-working, respectful, very intelligent, he learns quickly and he is very cuddly. This cat is never anxious and handles any new situation very well with surprising calm and wisdom. He is not easily impressed. It's just a matter of looking at him and he will purr loudly, he likes to follow us around and especially to go outside and jump in the tall grass.
It’s the Maine Coon who loves water, and he'll have a blast as soon as he sees a water spot with both front paws in the bowl. He is a tender and kind tiger with a magnificent tiger black silvery color. His descendants will be lucky enough to have traits that come from him.
Windir is tested for the following diseases:
- Cardiac ultrasound for HCM every 12-18 months, last one done in November 2022
- X-ray of the hips done in November 2022