Future buyers will have to register on our reservation list, we have only a few places available for reservations, the first to register will have the first choice among available kittens.
A 250$ deposit will be required to register on the list and of course, this deposit will be deducted from the kitten final price. You can then tell us what criteria are important to you regarding your new companion.
The deposit is a reciprocal commitment between the future adopter and the breeder, it is non-refundable unless we cannot offer you a kitten within a reasonable time (minimum 2 years following the date of the deposit)
In the weeks following the birth, we will contact you in order of priority based on the reservation list, so we will present you the little ones corresponding to your expectations.
The price of one kitten is 2650$ which is not negociable, in addition to the high strandard quality of our cats, this includes many things as follows.

The little ones will be:
- vaccinated twice
- dewormed
- microchipped
- sterilized
- treated with Revolution
- accompanied by their health record
- registered with the Canadian Cat Association
- 4 generation pedigree

In addition:
- they will have a complete starter kit with food worth around $100
- a guarantee up to 15 months old on genetic and congenital diseases
- a 14 days guarantee against viral diseases
- a sales contract
- complete socialization in a family setting (they will leave when they have at least 16 weeks of age)
- Continuous assistance from us for new adopters
Feel free to contact us to register on the list or if you have any question, it will be our pleasure to give you more information.